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This is a selection of my favorite commissioned projects. Click on the images to open a gallery with more images of each project.
Women In Sound
I took pictures of the theater play "Women In Sound - Buy little buy less buy nothing at all" directed by Regina Busch.
Catherine Lieser is a photographer.
She was born in Essen in 1986, studied at the University of Television and Film in Munich and lives in Berlin.
As a board member of the professional network Women In Film And Television Germany
she supports women in their professional positioning, provides them with access to relevant
to relevant industry partners and campaigns for gender parity.
For the network, she has developed two white papers for the depiction of women in film, television and streaming, which are aimed at creative decision-makers to reflect on their own work and creative decisions. The papers can be downloaded here:
Impulse paper for more actresses over 50
Impulse paper against gender-specific violence (german only)
Catherine Lieser's work has been awarded, published, exhibited and has been part of an art collection since 2023.
She speaks publicly about her photographic work and her social commitment on panels and elsewhere.
2023 | Art Collection of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation,
Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, Berlin, Germany
Solo Exhibitions
2022 | 07 | PIXEL² in München
2022 | 05 - 06 | Prinz Eisenherz in Berlin
2022 | 03 | Kunstverein Fam. Montez in Frankfurt (Main)
2022 | 02 | Frei Parken in Munich
2021 | 11 - 12 | Unperfekthaus in Essen
2023 | 03 | European Month of Photography, Berlin CHAUSSE 36 in Berlin
2021 | B&W REPUBLIC Magazine, #024, Vol. I, London, UK
2021 | LIFE IS ART Magazine, Vol. 9, Los Angeles, USA
2021 | Ihr Bild gegen Gewalt gegen Frauen (Frauenbüro Landeshauptstadt Mainz)
Podcast Montez "Conversation with Catherine Lieser"
Interview in FRIZZ Magazine "Not Conceptual. Life"
Article on VivArt "Not Conceptual. Life"
Interview on KULTURFLÜSTERIN "Reflections of the Soul"
Article on ISARBLOG - "Not Conceptual. Life"
2023 | Panelistin, "Invisible Woman: The Woman over 40 in Film and Television"
(Bundesverband Schauspiel e. V.)
2022 | Panelist, "#MeToo in the International Film Industry"
(Taiwan Film Festival Berlin/Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom)
2022 | Panelist, "Eyes Wide Shut" (Filmfest Bremen)
2020 | Panelist, "Intimacy in Front of the Camera"
(German Academy for Television)
2019 | Moderator, "Women's Rights "Where do we stand, what lies ahead?""
(Women In Film And Television, Bundesverband Schauspiel, Pensionskasse Rundfunk).

Behind the scenes/on set: